Trip Prep: Canyonlands Figure 8 - Back On My Bullshit
Well, after a long summer living in Washington peak-bagging, an already burnt out summer romance, and oh-yeah, buying my house, I’m back on my bullshit. Got myself a new little diddy from Alpacka Raft, a 3.4lbs Scout, and I’m ready to put some miles on her. I haven’t decided on a name yet. This boat is a solid bottom, so I don’t have to get wet this time (San Juan in October without a dry-suit was brutal on my toes!). Also, my milage is somewhere between 35 - 39 miles, so who knows???? I’m getting ready to swing this little number next weekend…
Day 1: Hike 6 Miles / Paddle 7 Miles
Hike 6 Miles - Big Spring to Colorado River at Salt Creek
Paddle 7 Miles - Colorado River to Spanish Bottom
Camp: Spanish Bottom/River - Permit: Packraft River Permit
(Alt Camp: Doll House )
Day 2: Hike 8 Miles
Hike 8 Miles - 1.5 Miles Spanish Bottom to Doll House Granary Trail (Bee Hive Arch Trail on Canyonlands Maps), 3 miles to Colorado Green Overlook Trail, and 3.5 miles to Colorado Green Overlook to Shot/Water Canyon Trail. *Approx 1.5 miles down trail turn right into Shot Canyon
Camp: Green River - Permit: Packraft River Permit
Day 3: Paddle 8 Miles / Hike 5 Miles
Paddle 8 Miles - Green River to Confluence to Spanish Bottom
Hike 5 Miles - Spanish Bottom/Lower Red Lake Canyon Trail to New Bates Camping Area
Camp: New Bates Site - Permit: New Bates 4x4/MNT Permit
(Alt: Devil’s Garden - adds 2 miles)
Day 4: Hike 4 Miles
Hike 4 Miles - New Bates Camping Area to Big Springs via Big Springs Overlook Trail
Gaia Source Here
*PRO TIP: Packrafting River Permits are much easier to reserve than other permits in The Maze and The Needles; you can do this itinerary only using Packrafting River Permits by camping at Spanish Bottom on Day 3 and hiking out the 9 miles through The Needles on Day 4 (most people choose Cyclone Canyon for this alt)
Canyonlands National Park sets a 1/2 mile distance from river to camp in order to use a “Packraft River Permit”. Any camps greater than 1/2 mile from the river require a backcountry or backpacking permit. Canyonlands Packrafting Rules and Regulations can be found HERE.
Night 1: Colorado River (Packraft River Permit)
Alternative: Salt Canyon (Backpacking)
Night 2: Green River - Packraft River Permit
Alternative: Maze District (Backpacking)
Night 3: New Bates Campground ( 4x4 / MNT Permit )
Alternative: Packraft River Permit (Packraft River Permit)
Devil’s Garden (Backpacking Permit)
Required Permit Gear
The Needles District - Canyonlands
A “rigid, durable metal fire pan” (NOTE: turkey basting pans are NOT allowed).
Wag Bags
Type I, III, or V personal flotation device (PFD)
1 Repair kit per boat
An air pump or bag for inflation
A bailing device or bilge pump for boats that are not self-bailing (A bailing device is anything that can bail the boat and is readily available)
First Aid Kit
*Canyonlands National Park does NOT require packrafters to carry an extra paddle.
Additional Sources
Quinlan Pfiffer - September 2020 - Longer Route
Romain Rigaux - January 2021
George_Washington_Hayduke - February 2017
Forrest McCarthy - April 2014 - Longest Route, bikepacking shuttle